Hubby has been telling me for Y E A R S, "scientifically if you eat half the calories you'll be burning before your workout, you'll lose weight more rapidly".
I'm a little strong willed (well maybe a lot) and I have ignored his advice thinking I knew better. I had a good argument - eating before exercising gave me a stomach ache and it also made me feel nauseated. Who wants that? I was also going to the gym between 5:30 and 6:00 and getting up even a few minutes earlier to take the time to eat? No way!
Spring is coming quickly and I'm always desperate around this time of year to shed the winter blues and shed the extra padding accumulated over my hibernation.
I think I'm getting more humble as I get older, so I thought I'd TRY his advice.
This is what I did:
Monday - ate a string cheese before running 2 miles. I felt a little sick at first, but the sickness subsided.
Tuesday - drank 1/2 a protein shake before running 2.5 miles. Now this made me extremely nauseous and never left.
Wednesday - went back to eating a string cheese, but added an apple before spin class. Didn't feel so bad, but then again I wasn't bouncing up and down on a spin bike like I was running.
Friday - ate a string cheese and drank a 1/2 cup of skim milk before running. I actually didn't feel sick at all.
The results: Lost 2 pounds this week. What do ya know, hubby does know what he's talking about sometimes:)