Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6, 2009

Ok, so summer is feeling like its rushing by and I might miss it! The no sugar thing by my Birthday didn't work out so well for me. Family reunions, lots of BBQ's, and traveling here and there have made it so hard to shed some pounds.

No bikini this summer, but I'm working out and really trying to eat balanced (whatever). Ha, I've been terrible!

I've got 3 weeks now before the next big vacation, so I'm buckling down.

This way of eating seems to work the best for me. It was developed by my friend, like 15 years ago when I shed my baby weight after Sean. It's specifically for my body type and exercise patterns, yet how different am I to everyone else? I even used it during my pregnancy with Emma and only gained 19 lbs. It's best when I weigh in with her weekly, but she lives in Lehi now and I struggle to get out that way. I check off as I go through the day and it even allows 1 cheat per week.

To make sure I get my exercise in, I where a pedometer on my hip and stay above 10,000 steps per day.

2 fruits
4 vegies
2 four oz. servings of protein
2 carbs (whole grains are best)
1 dairy
2 fats (nuts, butter, or salad dressing)

It averages out to about 1500 calories per day which seems like a lot.

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