Friday, February 19, 2010

The Candy diet

What is the candy diet?
Go a whole year without candy!
Reward $100.
This is what my husband's family started years ago and my sister-in-law carried this on with her kids.
My girls want to do it.
Valentines Day 2011 is the goal.
No candy for one whole year!
I'm joining my girls and yes that means I 'm giving up my chocolate..sniff, sniff.

Friday, February 12, 2010

On my own next week!

My friend Carlie is headed on a cruise tomorrow and Katie is still recovering from baby #3.
I'm on my own for the next week!
I'll be thinking of you both as I sweat it out all by my lonesome:)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 11, 2010

I'm a little late posting my 2010 exercise and healthy living goals, but here it goes.

  1. Increase weight training - Gold's has a great Pump class on Tuesday & Thursdays @ 6:00 A.M. My friend Carlie and I have been going to it for several months now so this shouldn't be too big a deal to continue....
  2. Drink protein - I have to make this a goal and force myself because I absolutely hate protein shakes...ugh! I have never found one I like and after doing "Body For Life" several years ago, they make me gag just thinking about drinking them. Any suggestions?
  3. Reduce sugar - I am a true "Chocoholic". I don't eat a lot and usually prefer dark, but seriously have to have a few chocolate chips every few days or I just go crazy! Eliminating white breads and other simple carbs will be my goal for this year.
  4. Take my kids to the Rec center more - We have a family pass and I need to set aside time to play volleyball and swim more often. They love it, I love it, and what a huge benefit it is to exercise with your kids.

Life got way too hectic these last few months and now is the time to look forward to Spring with a few weight loss goals.