Tuesday, July 26, 2011

cookies for breakfast

There's nothing like a great workout in the beautiful Utah mountains to get your blood pumping and make your soul feel free and ready to conquer the day!

So why do I sabotage all those calories burned by eating COOKIES for breakfast???

I'm not talking about 1 or 2 delicious "no bake" chocolaty cookies. I'm talking, I didn't even realize what I was doing till I pounded 4 or 5 of them down! It wasn't till my stomach started feeling that familiar churning and started screaming out to me, "What the H e double ll are you doing?".

It's been a rough week, that's all I can come up with for an excuse.

I've got some making up to do:

1. force myself out for a second workout
2. salads for lunch, dinner, and snack for this chic (that doesn't mean Cafe Rio)
3. NO stretchy pants today! That will teach me not to bloat my stomach right from the get go. Nothing says, "Don't overeat", like a tight pair of uncomfortable jeans.

Till next time (or next downfall)

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