Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I am so lame!!!

I feel really stupid about not blogging my progress for about a week. Maybe blogging my progress every day is a bit much, but I certainly hope I can do it at least every couple of days.

I weighed in today and as of 2 weeks ago, I have lost another 2 lbs. My track record indicates that I'm a 1 lb. per week kind of gal, but that is not good enough when you want to lose 25 lbs.

I have been doing a lot of research on HCG, recommended by my friend Carlie. She was skeptical, yet lost 14 lbs. Luckily for me, one of my neighbors does this and several of the neighborhood women have lost a lot of weight on it. My mom is starting tomorrow and I have an appointment to learn more about it.

I am not a crazy dieter that jumps on the bandwagon of every new diet. Over the years, I have tried to just eat right, exercise, and burn more calories per day to lose weight. Of course I read books like "The South Beach Diet", "Body For Life", and others. I would take certain ideas and apply them to the traditional lower fat, lower calorie, well balanced eating and exercising. That worked for me up until my last baby 8 years ago! It is very discouraging to weigh more than when you delivered at full term pregnancy! I blame this mostly on stresses over the last 8 years, but getting older (metabolism slowing down), crazy hormone imbalances, and a very busy schedule doesn't help the situation. That's all I have to say about this, so wish me luck as I learn more about HCG.

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